Will Kempe joined the cast of "One Life to Live" in February, 1997, as Ian Armitage, the son of a wealthy British businessman. The mysterious death of his mother brought Ian to Llanview, where he discovered surprising secrets about his past.
Like his character, Will has an international background, having grown up in Bermuda and attended boarding school in England. He earned a business degree from the University of Western Ontario, but chose a career in acting over the world of finance.
Will is probably best known for his role as arrogant playboy Rick Von Sloneker in the Oscar-nominated film, Metropolitan. His many other film credits include Down Under, Fresh Kill, Hit the Dutchman, and Killer Instinct. In 1995, Will directed a short film, All You Are, which was featured in over 20 film festivals worldwide.
In his spare time, Will enjoys cooking, yoga and horseback riding. He currently lives in Manhattan.
February 1997 to February 1998
DATE OF BIRTH: December 19
HEIGHT: 6'4"
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Hazel